2019 Brings New Products and Outreach from McCrone Microscopes & Accessories

2019 will be an exciting year for McCrone Microscopes & Accessories (MMA) as we release new products, hit the road to demonstrate instruments for you, and lower the price on one of our most versatile instruments, the JEOL NeoScope JCM-6000Plus. Take a look at what’s coming!

We’re pleased to introduce the all-new Linkam Mechanical Testing System (MTS), which has been optimized to allow you to characterize the micro and thermal mechanical properties of your materials. Serving as an upgrade over the popular Linkam Tensile Stage, the MTS will allow for compressive and tensile force tests, more control parameters, a wider temperature range—from -196°C to 600°C, electrical connections, and the ability to add humidity. If it’s vital for you to understand the physical properties of your materials, ask us about this stage.

McCrone Microscopes & Accessories will have Nikon microscopes, Linkam thermal stages, and many of our accessories on display at several 2019 industry events. Stop by and talk with us about your research, and to explore how McCrone can help meet your analytical needs.

At The McCrone Group, we love scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Our analytical services division uses these powerful instruments daily to provide you with materials analysis; Hooke College, a member of The McCrone Group, offers you basic and advanced SEM training courses; and MMA sells the JEOL Neoscope benchtop SEM. The Neoscope remains the most advanced benchtop SEM on the market, with real magnification up to 60,000x , a motorized stage option, and an EDS detector. In 2019, we’ll drop the price on this advanced analytical instrument! To see how the NeoScope can improve your workflow, contact us to schedule a demonstration.


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