New Year, New Instruments
During 2020, McCrone Microscopes & Accessories will continue to offer you outstanding new products, increase our service offerings, and visit with you at conferences and tradeshows.
At the end of 2019 we were excited to release the new Linkam Modular Force Stage. The response is overwhelmingly positive! Understanding the micro- and thermo- mechanical properties of materials is crucial. Existing materials are being deployed in new environments and exotic new materials are being developed to meet ever higher demands, and it is vital that the physical properties of these advanced materials are characterized and failure modes well understood. Schedule a demo either in person or online, or see this exciting new microscope/X-ray/Raman/FTIR stage at multiple meetings throughout 2020, including PITTCON, MRS Spring and Fall, the Argonne User Group Meeting, and Microscopy & Microanalysis.
MMA will continue the release and promotion of the new JEOL benchtop scanning electron microscope, the JCM-7000. This exciting, new benchtop SEM provides magnifications up to 100,000X and resolution down to 8 nm! Add the optional energy dispersive x-ray detector for full elemental analysis. We will be exhibiting this instrument at many of our scheduled tradeshows throughout the year, but you can contact us any time to schedule a demo.
Does your organization have a quality program requiring instrumentation maintenance? MMA technical sales representatives have performed hundreds of IQ/OQ/PQ visits to labs around the country. We will be happy to visit your lab in 2020 to qualify your microscopes and thermal stages.
See our line of microscopes, Linkam thermal stages, and discuss analytical needs or training options with us at these upcoming conferences:
- PITTCON will take place March 1-5, 2020 in Chicago, IL. Say hello at booth #3926 and see our presentation in the Demo Zone at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 4, 2020.
- The Materials Research Society Spring Meeting & Exhibit will take place April 13-17, 2020 in Phoenix, AZ. Come visit with us and see the complete line of Linkam thermal stages, including the new modular force stage.
- The Argonne 2020 APS/CNM Users Meeting will take place April 20-24, 2020 at Argonne National Lab. The APS/CNM Users Meeting gathers scientists and engineers from diverse fields of research from around the globe to discuss cutting-edge, mission-driven research. Stop by and learn about the new JEOL JCM-7000 benchtop SEM , Linkam thermal stages, and Nikon microscopes.
- Microscopy & Microanalysis, or M&M 2020, will take place August 2-6, 2020 in Milwaukee, WI. Come visit with us at the world’s largest microscopy conference and see Nikon microscopes and Linkam thermal stages.
- The Materials Research Society Fall Meeting & Exhibit will take place November 29 – December 4, 2020 in Boston, MA. Come visit with us and see the complete line of Linkam thermal stages, including the new modular force stage.
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