Remote Microscopy and IQ/OQ/PQ Services
Our world has certainly changed quickly, and many of the tasks we would normally do in a laboratory or classroom are now being done virtually, including microscopy! Over the past few weeks, our team of technical sales experts have performed virtual microscopy demonstrations, installations, and qualifications, all in an effort to help our clients maintain their workflow. Take a look at some of the instruments that we can run remotely.
The JCM-7000 benchtop SEM provides magnifications up to 100,000x, resolution down to 8nm, and can be operated remotely. Take a look at these recent images we’ve captured and let us know if we can prepare and analyze your samples and set up a virtual demonstration to show you what you haven’t seen before.
Click on an image to enlarge.

Do you need to run a thermal characterization on your sample? Send us your sample and we can freeze it down to -196°C or heat it up to 600°C. We can look for polymorphic transformations, or define lyophilization parameters. The McCrone Freeze-Dry Microscope System allows for direct correlation to DSC data produced in the lyophilization laboratory. We can analyze your sample on our Nikon LV100 polarized light microscope equipped with a digital camera and image analysis software. Let’s meet online to help you maintain your workflow!
For many years McCrone Microscopes and Accessories has offered onsite installation, operational, and performance qualification (IQ/OQ/PQ) services. IQ/OQ/PQ can apply to light microscopes, Linkam thermal stage systems, and the JEOL NeoScope benchtop SEM. Our technical sales experts have been offering these services remotely with great success. We can help you set up an entire microscope system, send you calibration standards to qualify your microscope or thermal stage, and offer online refresher training.
Let us know if we can help with any of these valuable services and contact us today!
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