Linkam THMS600 Thermal Stage


The THMS600 is the most popular heating/freezing stage on the market. It is used in many applications where a wide temperature range, -196°C to 600°C, and pinpoint accuracy are necessary.

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The THMS600 is the most popular heating/freezing stage on the market. It is used in many applications where a wide temperature range, -196°C to 600°C, and pinpoint accuracy are necessary. The silver block has high thermal conductivity resulting in excellent heat transfer characteristics and a fast, stable response to both heating and cooling. The sample chamber is completely sealed and equipped with gas ports for environmental control. With a temperature stability of 0.1°C and maximum heating/cooling rate of 150°C/min, the THMS600 is the most versatile thermal stage on the market.

Temperature Range: -196° to 600° C
Temperature Stability: Better than 0.1° C
Sample Area: 22mm
X-Y Travel: 16mm
Stage Body Size: 138mm x 92mm x 22mm
Light Aperture Opening: 2.4mm
Maximum Heating/Cooling Rate: 150° C/min
Minimum Objective Working Distance: 4.5mm
Minimum Condenser Working Distance: 12.5mm
Maximum Sample Thickness: 3mm

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