Timegate PicoRaman

Raman spectroscopy is a typically non-destructive chemical analysis technique which provides information about chemical bonds, phase identification, polymorphs, crystal structure, and other valuable chemical characteristics. It is used to identify unknowns in polymers, pharmaceuticals, minerals, and paints, and can be used to analyze glass containers, aqueous solutions, and powders. One of its many advantages is the small spot size of the laser (<1 um), leading to more accurate analyses.

Sample-induced fluorescence emission and thermal radiation can often create problems with conventional Raman spectroscopy by obscuring the whole spectrum, making the identification and quantification of samples challenging. As discovered in the 1970s, one can suppress sample-induced fluorescence by applying a pulsed laser excitation source with a suitable repetition rate, pulse width, and pulse energy. Because Raman and fluorescence signals can be separated, the signal-to-noise ratio is maximized via this technique.

Is your laboratory challenged by sample-induced fluorescence and thermal radiation?

McCrone Microscopes & Accessories is excited to announce that we are now the official US distributor for the new Timegate Raman Microprobe, as well as other Timegate products. Timegate Instruments’ patented technology will allow you to effectively suppress fluorescence emission, time-resolve fluorescence information, and remove ambient light and thermal radiation interference.

Take a look at this white paper about rapid milk analysis (fig. 1) with time-gated Raman spectroscopy.

timegate raman whole milk spectra

In addition, Timegate products have been used extensively with Linkam high temperature stages in an effort to minimize thermal radiation interference.

We are happy to run a sample for you, so please contact us today to learn more about this exciting line of Timegate products.


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